Ghaf Tree - 9th Jan 2009
The winds didnt show today but we staill managed to get some time in....FluffyWOO, Francesco and myself set up, Bolts and fox decided just to play in the dunes on their MotoX Bikes. One absentee was Sany-Yeti, rumour is that he didnt want any fuss made of his 65th birthday. We ended up eating the cake and drinking the wine without would have been wrong not to drink it!!!
We have some pictures of the day, myself anf Francesco just cruising with our stunt woman FluffyWOO trying free style again. Considering the rest of us just cruise, she really is trying to get the advantage over us guys!!
We were also joined by Ashi, our friendly Camel farmer, I dont know what Fluffywoo was doing but the camel didnt look too pleased!!..Well there is always next week to wish for the wind.....DRD
A big THANK YOU for Angelo giving his bike for a ride! As his bike broke down I went for a ride alone, was great fun, gut have to tell it's better going in a group.
Dave, what is this Man Cold thingy?!?! Must be an "age thing" ;) Get better and next week no excuses...
Wendy...I don't know what to say...upwind two-wheeling... :D
Next time (in better wind) try in quarter-wind and you'll be the freestyle-chick in the desert :D To be honest you have the buggy to do it, you have the will to do it...go for it!
I didn't set up my equopment but it was a great afternoon!!!
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